Admittedly it is something of an odd mix, but as the “love child” of both, The Sparkle 2 Evo is one heck of a beautiful game.

If I had to sum it up via referencing 2 games, the games I would have to pick is the classic Snake and its gameplay, and the visual worlds presented in Binaries.
Out now on the Nintendo Switch and developed by Forever Entertainment, The Sparkle 2 Evo is just one of a few games in the Sparkle series with The Sparkle 3 Genesis and The Sparkle Zero being the more recent releases, and I know the Switch has a tendency to enable to allow it’s owners to play games that are usually out of their comfort zone, but The Sparkle 2 Evo might just be a little more so. In the animal Kingdom, it’s survival of the fittest and now on the Nintendo Switch, it’s survival of the fittest sparkle. Release Date: 2 nd of November, 2017 (EU & NA) Some of the levels go on for too long, but the combination of relaxed gameplay, top-notch graphics, smooth control scheme and Game Center integration means the player will come back time and again.By Jack Longman eShop, Forever Entertainment, Nintendo Switch, November Feature, review, The Sparkle 2 Evo Sparkle 2: EVO feels like a much more complete version of the PlayStation Network title, Flow.

Depending on which way the player goes there will be a number of challenges introduced, such as bigger organisms looking for a fight. Rather than just wander a flat level looking for nutrients, the player can use the multi-touch function on the screen to dive to a deeper level, or ascend to nearer the surface. The organism also can't turn on the spot, needing a bit of room to double back on itself, so this needs to be taken into account when lining up a run of nutrients to eat. However, as this is underwater there is a floaty feel to it, so actions such as stopping aren't instantaneous. To move the organism the player has to trace their finger across the screen, at which point it will follow along. On the surface the control scheme is extremely simple, but it will actually take some getting used to. It's not frequent enough to ruin the game, but it is there. The downside is there are periods of noticeable slowdown when several things are happening on-screen at the same time. It's one of those games that draw in other people, as they simply have to see what the game is. The organism itself is well detailed, but it's the environment that steals the show, managing to look both ominous and inviting at the same time. The big draw is just how eerily beautiful the game looks. However, there are a number of interesting twists to keep the game feeling fresh. Each new area contains a number of nutrients that need to be collected, and once that happens the player can progress. When stripped back, Sparkle 2: EVO is a game based on collection. Viewed from a top down perspective, the game sees the player take control of an extremely basic organism - bottom of the food-chain material - and help it evolve by devouring nutritious elements, which each have a different effect.

Sparkle 2: EVO is probably one of the more unique titles on the App Store.