Phi Iota ( ΦΙ) chapter, Northland College, Ashland, Wisconsin.Phi Beta ( ΦΒ) chapter, University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire, Eau Claire, Wisconsin.Omega ( Ω) chapter, University of Wisconsin–Stout, Menomonie, Wisconsin.Lambda ( Λ chapter, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, Michigan.These seven chapters are known by the Fraternity as the "Founding Seven" chapters: By 1988 there existed seven chapters which became the foundation of the new organization. The chapters opposed to the merger determined which groups would form the new national fraternity. Still, the creation of Phi Sigma Phi was driven by its Alumni volunteers. The foundation for Phi Sigma Phi stems from a desire to keep alive many of the ideals of Phi Sigma Epsilon, and chose to form the National Fraternity with founding Chapters, and not specifically Founding Fathers. In addition, longtime supporters and former Phi Sigma Epsilon National Presidents Dean Rockwell, (originally of Eastern Michigan's Lambda chapter '35 and ΦΣΕ's National President 1950–1958) and John Sandwell, (originally of Fort Hays State's Zeta chapter '71 and ΦΣΕ's National President 1978–1984) added their advice and experience to all areas of Phi Sigma Phi's new operations. Nate Church (National Executive Director and Advisory Councilor).Shawn Head (National Director of Crisis Management).The current National Council of Phi Sigma Phi includes: Leading this small group of chapters into the formation of a new national fraternity were former Phi Sigma Epsilon alumni who were elected to serve as Phi Sigma Phi's first National Council.

was formally organized to serve as a national organization. On July 30, 1988, in South Bend, Indiana, Phi Sigma Phi National Fraternity, Inc. Historically, ΦΣΦ was founded as an evolution of ideals and dedication to independence and freedom of choice. After this merger, a small group of Phi Sigma Epsilon alumni and then-current undergraduate collegians decided not to participate with the new fraternity, instead electing to form their own national fraternity. The foundation for Phi Sigma Phi stems from the 1985 merger between Phi Sigma Epsilon and Phi Sigma Kappa. The current National President is University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Alumn Joshua Finch. There are currently 5 active chapters of Phi Sigma Phi nationwide. Phi Sigma Phi,( ΦΣΦ) is a national fraternity in the United States founded on Jin South Bend, Indiana by chapters formerly of Phi Sigma Epsilon that declined to participate in that fraternity's merger into Phi Sigma Kappa. President's Council On Service and Civic Participation Partnership Language: eng.Fraternity in South Bend, Indiana Phi Sigma Phiĭo unto others as you would have them do unto you. Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. If it is multi volume set, then it is only single volume, if you wish to order a specific or all the volumes you may contact us. As these are old books, we processed each page manually and make them readable but in some cases some pages which are blur or missing or black spots. This book is printed in black & white, sewing binding for longer life, Printed on high quality Paper, re-sized as per Current standards, professionally processed without changing its contents. Reprinted in 2023 with the help of original edition published long back. Unique Leather Bound Edition having Spine and corners bind with leather with Golden Leaf Printing on round spine. 76 CHOOSE ANY COLOR OF YOUR CHOICE WITHOUT ANY EXTRA CHARGES, JUST CLICK ON MORE IMAGES FOR OPTIONAL COLORS and inform us your choice through mail.