Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones (2014) provides much needed freshness to the franchise, however proves that the franchise didn't need to go on for this long.

As it is a found footage film, you're never going to recruit big name actors, so the ones that are do stand out for their underwhelming acting ability. Released January 3rd, 2014, 'Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones' stars Andrew Jacobs, Jorge Diaz, Gabrielle Walsh, Rene Victor The R movie has a runtime of about 1 hr 24 min, and received a.

That all makes this entry standout amongst the others, however it also highlights that the found footage horror genre doesn't have the same impact as it used to as there very little moments which provided tension and all around parts were predictable. 7 out of 10.By this point the Paranormal Activity franchise was stale, with all of the prior films taking place inside a singular house for the majority of their runtimes, however Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones (2014) does bring a sense of freshness to the franchise thanks to its change of location which takes place in several places, it's up close and personal interaction with possession and the fact that it plays out like a mystery.

Packed full of fun surprises and very creepy visuals, plus finally a group of friends that are relatable, Marked Ones, proves that this series may have more life in it, if the next film is done like this one, I’m in. Overall, I found Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones to be a step in the right direction for this series that was slowly going stale. Someone takes their roleplaying games extra seriously. The camera work, although it feels more realistic this time around, can be nauseating since we have teens controlling the action in the film, and they obviously didn’t get into film school. A lot of the scary reveals and surprises are repeats of the other films, and are pretty predictable. One of the things that really works about The Marked Ones is that the film realizes what PA4 seemingly forgot. I did applaud the scares earlier, just not all of them. There are some distractions mid-plot, and some slow reveals that make the audience start to feel impatient at times. For short films of an hour and a half, this is a big problem, shorter films have to be tightly cut in order to keep things running smoothly. One of the biggest problems with this series, is the pacing is usually pretty off. “I know it feels like, somebodies watching me…” The tension built throughout the movie is kept up, keeping the audience on edge, another win for Marked Ones.Īlso worth noting, the ending is brilliant and quite a surprise, don’t let anyone spoil it for you. Speaking of frights, there are a good chunk of them here, and they do take you off guard at times. How do people get chosen to be taken? How do the witches get around? How does the transformation in the marked person occur? It does a pretty good job of making the story connect with all the other films and make it work, while refreshing it and making it frightening again. I will applaud Marked Ones, because they take the time to answer questions. They draw on eachothers faces with marker, use their GoPro cameras to do stupid stunts, they actually feel like real people with real relationships, so the audience does care for them, and that makes what happens next work for the film. In Marked Ones, we get a group of kids in Oxnard, California, living in a typical ghetto of gangs and drugs, but are a good bunch of kids. The main reason Paranormal Activity 4 didn’t work, is because who really gave a crap about this teenage girl and her pervy skype friend? That’s right, no one did, so anything terrible happening to her is not really important to the audience. In Order for these films to work, the audience has to be latched onto the story, and to the characters. Jesse is either possessed by a demon, or has been listening to Miley Cyrus a little too much.

But it’s been a fun franchise, except for Paranormal Activity 4, which was just plain awful.īut how does a franchise that’s been losing steam film after film, get its mojo back? With additions that take things a little differently, and that’s what Marked Ones came to do. The found footage film which was made for only $16,000, went on to gross millions all over the world. Paranormal Activity, well the first one anyway, scared the hell out of audiences in 2007 after it got released to the public. It’s one of the few clever pieces of this movie, as we all remember Simon (and fondly, if I may say so myself), however, it’s nowhere near as effectively used as the technology of the past films. Reviewed by: Phantomhour (Brendan Graham) Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones too has its own little techie-gadget gimmick a Simon game used as a Ouija board.